Een greep uit de publicaties die relevant zijn voor de cursussen van de School for Participation.
PARTI lessen
- Richtlijnen Jongerenparticipatie in Onderzoek
- Guidelines Kids in Action, 2024
- PARTI-les_Jongeren werven vs uitnodigen
- PARTI-les_recycle jongeren
- PARTI-les Leeftijdsdenken
Participatie algemeen
- Participatie, het verschil tussen een methode en een kritisch paradigma (Dedding & Aussems, 2024)
- Building an alternative conceptualization of participation: from shared decision-making to acting and work (Dedding et al, 2022)
Participatief actieonderzoek
- Mastering life chances and choices, a metasynthesis of how disadvantaged young people navigate between self-identity and stigma (Aussems et al., 2024)
- Working together as scientific and experiential experts: how do current ethical PAR-principles work in a research team with young adults with Developmental Language Disorder? (Aussems et al, 2022)
- Navigating Voice, Vocabulary and Silence: Developing Critical Consciousness in a Photovoice Project with (Un)Paid Care Workers in Long-Term Care (Duijs et al., 2022)
- Why action needs compassion: Creating space for experiences of powerlessness and suffering in participatory action research (Duijs et al., 2022)
- Funding Participatory Health Research (International Collaboration for Participatory Health Research, 2021)
- Impact in Participatory Health Research (International Collaboration for Participatory Health Research, 2020)
- The politics of co-production: Participation, Power, and transformation (Turnhout et al., 2020)
- Exploring the boundaries of ‘good’ Participatory Action Research in times of increasing popularity: dealing with constraints in local policy for digital inclusion (Dedding et al, 2019)
- Participatory Research for Health and Social Well-Being. (Abma et al, 2019)
- Ethics in Participatory Research for Health and Social Well-being: Cases and Commentaries (Banks & Brydon-Miller, 2019)
- PAR-gids: basistips voor participatief actieonderzoek (Groot et al, 2018)
- Participatory Health Research: Voices from Around the World (Wright & Kongrats, 2018)
- Kids in Action: Participatory Health Research with Children. (Gibbs et al., 2018)
- What is Participatory Health Research? (International Collaboration for Participatory Health Research, 2013)
- Participatory Health Research: A Guide to Ethical Principals and Practice (International Collaboration for Participatory Health Research, 2013)
Participatie in onderzoek
- De rafels van participatie in de gezondheidszorg (Dedding & Slager, 2013)
- Kinderen en jongeren actief in wetenschappelijk onderzoek (Dedding et al, 2013)
- Research agenda setting with children with juvenile idiopathic arthritis: Lessons learned (Aussems et al., 2022)
Responsieve evaluatie
- Responsieve methodologie. Interactief onderzoek in de praktijk (Abma & Widdershoven, 2013)
- Responsief evalueren (Abma, 1996)
- Standards-based & Responsive evaluation (Stake, 2004)