
Wat is al bekend over jongerenparticipatie en onderzoek? Deze inspiratielijst biedt een verzameling aan publicaties met kennis en leerervaringen uit de praktijk. Heb je waardevolle aanvullingen? Stuur het naar!


Publicaties van het Leernetwerk Jongerenparticipatie in Onderzoek

Richtlijnen voor kinderen, jongeren en onderzoekers die echt willen samenwerken in onderzoek (Dedding et al., 2023)

PARTI-les: Recycle jongeren versus wegwerpjongeren (Dedding et al., 2023)

PARTI-les: Jongeren werven versus uitnodigen (Dedding et al., 2023)

Participatie, het verschil tussen een methode en een kritisch paradigma (Dedding & Aussems, 2024)


Geschiedenis van PAR: terug naar de grondleggers

Experience & Education (Dewey, 1938)

Action Research and Minority Problems (Lewin, 1946)

Group Decision and Social Change (Lewin, 1947)

A ladder of Citizen Participation (Arnstein, 1969)

Children’s Participation (Hart, 1997)

Pedagogy of the oppressed (Freire, 1970)

Creating Alternative Research Methods: Learning to do it by doing it (Freire, 1982)

Whose reality counts? Putting the first last (Chambers, 1997)

Can we know better? Reflections for development (Chambers, 2007)


Basiskennis over PAR

Participatory Research for Health and Social Well-Being (Abma et al., 2019)

Can participatory action research (PAR) democratize research, knowledge, and schooling? (Anderson, 2017)

Harnessing the power and impact of creative disruption (Cook, 2015)

Participation: the new tyranny? (Cooke & Kothari, 2001)

Building an alternative conceptualization of participation: From shared Decision-making to acting and work (Dedding et al., 2022)

What is Participatory Health Research? (International Collaboration for Participatory Health Research, 2013)

Empowerment and Participatory Health Research (International Collaboration for Participatory Health Research, 2021)

People’s self-development: Perspectives on participatory action research: A journey through experience (Rahman, 1993)

The Social Ecology of Power in Participatory Health Research (Roura, 2021)


PAR met kinderen en jongeren

Why collaborate with Children in health Research (Bird et al., 2013)

Kinderen en Jongeren Actief in Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek (Dedding et all., 2013)

Kids in Action: Participatory Health Research with Children (Gibbs et al., 2018)

A Handbook of Children and young people’s participation (Percy-Smith et al., 2023)

Enhancing Contexts of Adolescent Development: The role of community-based action research (Small, 2016)

Betekenisvolle participatie; hoe pak je dat aan?, (ZonMw, 2023)


Preventie en gezond leven

Bored, afraid, alone: What can we learn from chrildren with paediatric obesity about the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic for future pandemics, care practices and policies? (Concincion et al., 2024)

How are children and young people engaged in research on paediatric obesity and which issues do they report? (Concincion et al., 2023)

Engaging adolescents form disadvantages neighbourhoods as knowledgeable social actors in health promotion (Lems, 2020)

McDonald’s is good for my social life. Developing Health Promotion together with adolescent girls from disadvantaged neighbourhoods in Amsterdam (Lems et al., 2020)


Praktische voorbeelden

Just teach us the skills please, we’ll do the rest: Empowering ten-year-olds as active researchers (Kellet et al., 2004)

Critical issues in peace and conflict studies: Theory, practice, and pedagogy (McEvoy-Levy, 2011)

Around the table with policymakers: Giving voice to children in contexts of poverty and deprivation (Sarti et al., 2017)

Ongemakkelijke ontmoetingen: Politieke Participatie van Jongeren in Amsterdam (Zweegman et al., 2023)


PAR in gezondheidszorg

Public and patient involvement in paediatric research (Bate et al., 2016)

Nothing about us withous us (McDonagh & Bateman, 2011)

[I would like] a place to be alone, other than the toilet – children’s perspectives on paediatric hospital care in the Netherlands (Schalkers et al., 2015)


Jeugdzorg / disabilities

“Call us by our name”: Quality of care and wellbeing from the perspective of girls in residential care facilities who are commercially and sexually exploited by “loverboys” (Aussems et al., 2020)

Stumbling toward independent living: Participatory action research with young adults with developmental language disorder (Aussems et al., 2023)

Mastering life chances and choices: A metasynthesis of how disadvantaged young people navigate between self-identity and stigma (Aussems et al., 2024)

Nothing about us without us: Disability oppression and Empowerment (Charlton, 2000)

Someone who treats you as an ordinary human being … homeless youth examine the quality of professional care (De Winter & Noom, 2003)

Landscapes of care and despair for rural youth – a qualitative study in the northern Sedish ‘periphery‘ (Jonsson et al., 2020)

Daily life participation in childhood chronic disease: A qualitative study (Nap-van der Vlist et al., 2019)

Working together, Learning together: Towards Universal Design for Research (Sergeant, 2021)

Seeing eye to eye or not? young people’s and child protection workers’ perspectives on children’s participation within the Dutch Child Protection and Welfare Services (van Bijleveld et al., 2014)

Exploring the essence of enabling child participation within Child Protection Services (van Bijleveld et al., 2019)

Co-creating participation tools with children within child protection services: What lessons we can learn from the children (van Bijleveld et al., 2020)



A guide to selecting participatory research methods based on proejct and partnership goals (Duea et al., 2022)

Playing with purpose: Adventures in performative social science (Gergen & Gergen, 2016)

Arts-based reserach voor het Sociaal Domein: Op kunsten gebaseerd Praktijkgericht Onderzoek (Heijst et al., 2019)

The diverse role of the critical friend in supporting educational action research projects (Kember et al., 1997)

Research questions in participatory projects (Leontowitsch & Prömper, 2023)

Participatory Peer Research Methodology: An effective method for obtaining young people’s perspectives on transitions from care to adulthood? (Lushey & Munro, 2014)

Blending Participatory Action Synthesis and Meta-Ethnography: An Innovative Approach to Evaluating Complex Community Health Transformation (Reed et al., 2021)

From Voice to Agency: Guiding principles for participatory action research with youth (Rodríguez & Brown, 2009)

Participatory resarch methods with young children (Sevón et al., 2023)

Interdisciplinary work is essential for research on puberty: Complexity and dynamism in action (Susman et al., 2019)


Research Agenda Setting

Patient participation as dialogue: Setting research agendas (Abma & Broerse, 2010)

Research agenda setting with children with juvenile idiopathic arthritis: Lessons learned (Aussems et al., 2021)

Involving children in setting the priorities for research in pediatric diseases (Dedding et al., 2021)

Research priority setting in childhood chronic disease (Odgers et al., 2018)

Patient involvement in agenda-setting processes in health research policy: A boundary work perspective (Schölvinck, 2020)



Exploring “Quality”: Research participants’ perspectives on verbatim quotations (Corden & Sainsbury, 2006)

Quality criteria for participatory health research (International Collaboration for Participatory Health Research, 2017)

Uit de spagaat! Naar een kwaliteitsraamwerk voor Participatief Jongeren Onderzoek (Jurrius, 2013)



The ethics of research with children and young people: A practical handbook (Alderson & Morrow, 2020)

Children and adolescents’ voices and the implications for ethical research (Alves et al., 2022)

Working together as scientific and experiential experts: How do current ethical par-principles work in a research team with young adults with developmental language disorder? (Aussems et al., 2022)

“Everyday Ethics in community-based Participatory Research” (Banks et al., 2013)

Ethics in Participatory Reserach for Health and Social well-being (Banks & Brydon-Miller, 2019)

Reseraching with care: Applying feminist care ethics to research practice (Brannelly & Barnes, 2022)

Working with ehtical symmetry in soical research with children (Christensen & Prout, 2002)

Exploring the boundaries of ‘good’ Participatory Action Research in times of increasing popularity: Dealing with constraints in local policy for digital inclusion (Dedding et al., 2020)

How participatory are we really? The pitfalls and potentials of participatory research practices (Eriksson & Stage, 2023)

International Charter for Ethical Research involving Children (Ethical Research Involving Children, 2024)

Ethics of Participatory Health Research: Insights from a reflective journey (Groot-Sluijsmans, 2021)

Adressing ethical dilemmas in research with young children and families (Kousholt & Juhl, 2021)

Ethical challenges in participatory research with children and Youth (Loveridge et al., 2023)

“I’ll save you a seat”: Negotiating power in a participatory action research project with queer and trans young adults (Hillier & Kroehle, 2021)

Bridging Guidelines and Practice: Toward a grounded care ethics in youth participatory action research (Ritterbusch, 2011)

Subjects, objects or participants? Dilemmas of psychological research with children (Woodhead & Faulkner, 2008)

Rechten van kinderen en jongeren

The convention on the rights of the child (United Nations, 1989)

Global Youth Development Report (Commonwealth Secretariat, 2021)

Epistemic injustice: power and the ethics of knowing (Fricker, 2007)

Handvest Kind & Ziekenhuis (Stichting Kind en Ziekenhuis, 2014)

Jeugdstem vertrouwenspersoon AKJ (adviesklachtenbureau jeugdzorg)

Code voor Kinderrechten digitale technologie (Code voor Kinderrechten)


Proefschriften – kinderen en jongeren

Delen in macht en onmacht: kindparticipatie in de (alledaagse) diagbeteszorg (Dedding, 2009)

Participatory Dialogues in Landscapes of Care: Understanding disadvantaged young people’s navigation between self-identity and stigma (Aussems, 2024)

Quality of Paediatric Hospital Care Understanding the Perspectives of Children and Families (Schalkers, 2016)

Dealing with the interplay of child image, protection and participation: A critical reflection on the essence of child participation in child protection services (van Bijleveld, 2019)

Power-full Patient Participation: opening spaces for silenced knowledge (Woelders-Peters, 2020)